• +880244814020
  • Fax: +880244814003
  • info@sau.edu.bd


All Departments
Sl Department Name
1 Department of Agricultural Botany
2 Department of Agricultural Chemistry
3 Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System
4 Department of Agroforestry and Environmental Science
5 Department of Agronomy
6 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
7 Department of Biotechnology
8 Department of Entomology
9 Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding
10 Department of Horticulture
11 Department of Plant Pathology
12 Department of Soil Science
13 Department of Agricultural Engineering
14 Department of Language
15 Department of Agricultural Economics
16 Department of Agribusiness and Marketing
17 Department of Agricultural Statistics
18 Department of Development and Poverty Studies
19 Department of Agricultural Finance and Management
20 Department of Animal Nutrition, Genetics and Breeding
21 Department of Animal Production and Management
22 Department of Anatomy, Histology and Physiology
23 Department of Poultry Science
24 Department of Microbiology and Parasitology
25 Department of Dairy Science
26 Department of Medicine and Public Health
27 Department of Pathology
28 Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology
29 Department of Surgery & Theriogenology
30 Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics
31 Department of Aquaculture
32 Department of Fishing and Post Harvest Technology
33 Department of Aquatic Animal Health Management
34 Department of Aquatic Environment and Resource Management
35 Department of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography