Sl. No. |
Title of the research |
Principal Investigator |
Biofloc as a sustainable intensive technology for Bangladesh |
Dr. A. M. Shahabuddin |
2. |
Assessment of Hydrolyzed Feather Meal as protein source for the aquaculture operation and developing the environmental friendly technology |
Dr. A. M. Shahabuddin
3. |
Assessment of fish market waste as protein source for the aquaculture operation and developing the environmental friendly processing technology |
Dr. A. M. Shahabuddin
4. |
Assessment of different carbon sources for Biofloc based fish culture system |
Dr. A. M. Shahabuddin |
5. |
Assessment of Chlorine dioxide as for the prevention of harmful organism in biofloc system |
Dr. A. M. Shahabuddin |
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